miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

Let´s get to the end of the world.

[background music]

Ashleigh: So Casey broke up with Max.

Cappie: I see.

Ashleigh: Because of you. And she's gonna break up with the next guy because of you, and the guy after that, and she's gonna keep doing it, because for some odd reason you're the one she's supposed to be with.

Beaver: Ok everybody! Almost midnight! Let the countdown to the end of the world begin! 10, 9, 8,7...

Ashleigh: It's the end of the world Cappie... what you're gonna do?...

Beaver: 3,2,1.

really do not know if we are near the end of the world only know you can not waste more time quieting all that you feel for him or her, if you really like and want to spend time with that person does not hesitate to get up from that chair and go after him or her, call her by phone, or go to your home or at school says to him, but do not stay quiet you could take a big surprise!

by. jaessadi.

Grx y ser felices...

1 comentario:

  1. .. Mmmm, no sé.. Me hace pensar en lo que quiero hacer ese día.. Hay Jabi, mejor publica otro post menos emo..

